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Installing Rust & Cargo

Rust and Cargo use a special installer called RustUp that let's you manage various versions of these two programs in parallel.

You can eventually create a specific user for your Rust and Plume installations, to isolate them from the rest of your system. This step is recommended if you are in a production environment, but it is not necessary.

adduser plume
su - plume
cd ~

You can now install RustUp on GNU/Linux and Mac OS X with:

curl -sSf | sh

When asked, choose the "1) Proceed with installation (default)" option.

Then run this command to be able to run cargo in the current session:

export PATH="$PATH:/home/plume/.cargo/bin:/home/plume/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin"

If installing RustUp on Windows, you do not need to create a dedicated user if you do not want to. Building RustUp is a little different, but the prompts you are asked are the same.

On Windows, you'll need, if you don't already have them, to download and install the Visual C++ 2015 Build Tools. Alternatvely, if you installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, this package is included with it. Then, download the rustup installer and run it. After installation, you will need to close your Git Bash window and relaunch in order to see new path variables, or you may restart your PC.

You can check that everything is correctly installed with rustc --version and cargo --version.

We can now compile Plume's source code.

Compiling Plume