Follow activity rejected (federation) #107

opened 6 years ago by redmatrix · 6 comments
redmatrix commented 6 years ago (Migrated from

Follow activity to plume was rejected with 502. Formatting of key and signature blobs below is messed up from pasting but is correct in the original. This would have also been signed in the header with an HTTP signature. If this assists debugging any, at least one other project failed in a similar way when presented with an inline object for the actor instead of a simple url.

Otherwise the timestamp is 2018-07-02T02:08:18Z

      "publicKeyPem":"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAs+/jJyGbcVyWHa5ZRrJz\nfbXoc1Ws43RHbdd3zVLuUyJl0zGzgtuzvqLCrxYkJKiDwKWL+cLv7NLYV6Iw0sJk\non1lRqugrUAPy\
XMm2Ksrr/2y2yYx6eS0CAwEAAQ==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
Follow activity to plume was rejected with 502. Formatting of key and signature blobs below is messed up from pasting but is correct in the original. This would have also been signed in the header with an HTTP signature. If this assists debugging any, at least one other project failed in a similar way when presented with an inline object for the actor instead of a simple url. Otherwise the timestamp is 2018-07-02T02:08:18Z ```` { "@context":[ "", "", "" ], "id":"", "type":"Follow", "actor":{ "type":"Person", "id":"", "preferredUsername":"ziggy", "name":"ziggy", "icon":{ "type":"Image", "mediaType":"image/png", "url":"", "height":300, "width":300 }, "url":{ "type":"Link", "mediaType":"text/html", "href":"" }, "inbox":"", "outbox":"", "followers":"", "following":"", "endpoints":{ "sharedInbox":"" }, "publicKey":{ "id":"", "owner":"", "publicKeyPem":"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAs+/jJyGbcVyWHa5ZRrJz\nfbXoc1Ws43RHbdd3zVLuUyJl0zGzgtuzvqLCrxYkJKiDwKWL+cLv7NLYV6Iw0sJk\non1lRqugrUAPy\ PSkqUNEstVO/Bxy01Lp80aUKF+wNB721qvdd8xP64VEsovehCfv\n94m64GkDca+EEZqybQHH+sFq2tjV/yo/RlCfnc2ezE/Nv/EWAH0q13zK9cGYmb4z\nCkexJHbHKD59SsWFBmOWs+qJp5Hzettb5ZGaNPDYi9xThXM/93kpUKF9mC/RAIm3\n2J3Ec9F2lM\ JGG8gGkQhSsnogJIzg0mYUINWnHe1wNHt7FfsHv+hgfixoldwvWtON\nP38OpjB3X/DZHAfeh+wKxIjJrN6PcyahUPwCni6Cw0PEQrKVoWddL6GNb9FZmWAwJTbWYaUEUc98Uue2aD02Yo7jqcxEG3Empmw3dyL9a58HO3TvdfplHwar1U0566ot\niop5W4O\ yWzci9quIhaen1C+zKmhziHIC1VykWIeFFyNQF9vg2D2qB/ALs1RKTX1M\n91Ld1qO1TGyFR9L8jES8T38kYbT0EvO5LkkFbfl3XHnGHTfX1kipmkkkoE1NtWNc\nm3frIqRJpYKGTOj1/UvPO5+7V4bvw1LbFBlNNbtAH83yvqIUfooaUhoUDLIzaC8T\nBZbG\ XMm2Ksrr/2y2yYx6eS0CAwEAAQ==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n" }, "nomadicLocations":[ { "id":"", "type":"nomadicLocation", "locationAddress":"", "locationPrimary":true, "locationDeleted":false }, { "id":"", "type":"nomadicLocation", "locationAddress":"", "locationPrimary":false, "locationDeleted":false } ] }, "object":"", "to":[ "" ], "signature":{ "@context":[ "", "" ], "type":"RsaSignature2017", "nonce":"642b4dd0b1dfd0e0890726886dfbab54ca2c1978da06de2a3903947017e8ec23", "creator":"", "created":"2018-07-02T02:08:14Z", "signatureValue":"sF1iL4t8AzMEtUFEY9/DI6tvBeszAvX1GTIMr2qbg0YsENt28g5QUsOFf0Q2GmYJwWvohj0A+tvxzv8b18T7weu5WpsnNaRpMx9MlM05tEKgR6an/DVZ2Tqa9TAoP//uI0OJEdSgBZqCkYT/AeuFkzqlDsuNx/YkpwunQ4aJWBnbN\ ZD6NPDKzis7nRG9mbJtHd75OMj5/s0rhbmcnB3cS3OVPrN1HgF93piXrYx6ew657bOnoLywJOiL00zX6Gr3hkb5A9vxSCxpwgwRiPhDDYAiKRjCQlLFloowXHaGxLxtaWxJVlq4UgQNMqbwu3tJ7Y7uY6zBZJ+RkO2JHibLezOGFFQJ2hvxMHKtMhFgxzG3A6PB\ Xh77GZYZjA+RjT+NrNV+eFgDUoQb8zVdvZgMX51MpbGuh9Io5ou28dLWzkVTQT7FnSaLo9cR+gwiYHnFEOZ+DBcMwXFZfpX7VdAKtqNvYB9OHjqYil7hj/p+pj+KaUznvGnMOk7NjZo+Bqe2nHUwi4yOGTimgzRHfREuYjQKY6wbkpsnLm5vZXWVAR+R+yfMJ+K\ fZLeFetaWK+YBHStJubCHbFQANCXf+OaE3KCCOEqjD31ZapCyxh9bXZGDjHyJe9h8aaLIgApn0s5adfKxJYBf9LT7p9uus9JDDy5BePGepT+XdxJIgxECyro=" } } ````
elegaanz commented 6 years ago (Migrated from

f79f01a should fix this. It has been deployed on if you want to test. If it works correctly feel free to close this issue.

f79f01a should fix this. It has been deployed on if you want to test. If it works correctly feel free to close this issue.
redmatrix commented 6 years ago (Migrated from

Unfortunately same result, 502. Timestamp was 2018-07-09T01:53:07Z

I was hopeful because that certainly looked like it would fix an inline author object, but perhaps we are dealing with multiple issues.

Unfortunately same result, 502. Timestamp was 2018-07-09T01:53:07Z I was hopeful because that certainly looked like it would fix an inline author object, but perhaps we are dealing with multiple issues.
elegaanz commented 6 years ago (Migrated from

I fixed some issues, but when Plume tries to fetch the new follower's representation (at in my tests), Hubzilla responds with an empty body. The following header was present in the request, if it helps:

Accept: application/ld+json; profile="", application/ld+json;profile="", application/activity+json, application/ld+json
I fixed some issues, but when Plume tries to fetch the new follower's representation (at `` in my tests), Hubzilla responds with an empty body. The following header was present in the request, if it helps: ``` Accept: application/ld+json; profile="", application/ld+json;profile="", application/activity+json, application/ld+json ```
redmatrix commented 6 years ago (Migrated from

I see what is happening - that site has "block public access" enabled which is preventing access to some urls unless you're logged in (either locally or as a Zot network guest). It looks like this check happens before the ActivityPub plugin gets called. I try to convince folks that this isn't a good option to combine with federation protocols (GNU-Social won't work either because the public feed is blocked); but this may not be adequately documented. I can change the project code to allow the actor document through - as it doesn't contain sensitive or personal information beyond the connection details; but there may be other content exchanges (fetching activities) that will fail.

[edit: no I just tested this scenario on my test site and the activitypub actor document is allowed , so there seems to be a problem specifically with that site. I'll try another connection test to Plume a bit later on - though it's shaping up to be quite a busy day.]

I see what is happening - that site has "block public access" enabled which is preventing access to some urls unless you're logged in (either locally or as a Zot network guest). It looks like this check happens before the ActivityPub plugin gets called. I try to convince folks that this isn't a good option to combine with federation protocols (GNU-Social won't work either because the public feed is blocked); but this may not be adequately documented. I can change the project code to allow the actor document through - as it doesn't contain sensitive or personal information beyond the connection details; but there may be other content exchanges (fetching activities) that will fail. [edit: no I just tested this scenario on my test site and the activitypub actor document is allowed , so there seems to be a problem specifically with that site. I'll try another connection test to Plume a bit later on - though it's shaping up to be quite a busy day.]
redmatrix commented 6 years ago (Migrated from

OK, it's probably even simpler than that - visit and under 'ActivityPub Protocol Settings' select 'Enable the ActivityPub Protocol for this channel' and submit.

[I just tested adding the Plume connection and still getting 502 at 2018-07-18T23:16:45Z]

OK, it's probably even simpler than that - visit and under 'ActivityPub Protocol Settings' select 'Enable the ActivityPub Protocol for this channel' and submit. [I just tested adding the Plume connection and still getting 502 at 2018-07-18T23:16:45Z]
elegaanz commented 6 years ago (Migrated from

@redmatrix That was the solution! I successfully added a Plume connection from Hubzilla. I'll close this issue, but if it doesn't work on your side feel free to re-open it.

@redmatrix That was the solution! I successfully added a Plume connection from Hubzilla. I'll close this issue, but if it doesn't work on your side feel free to re-open it.
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Reference: Plume/Plume#107
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