Mobile UX issues #604

opened 2019-05-30 07:58:19 +00:00 by GitHubGeek · 1 comment
GitHubGeek commented 2019-05-30 07:58:19 +00:00 (Migrated from

Issue 1: Classic editor - The Content textarea is not scrollable
Issue 2: Both editors - Too much left & right margin, squashing the editors

  • Plume version: 59023e9602
  • Operating system: Android 9 Pie
  • Web Browser: Fennec F-Droid (Firefox android)
<!-- Describe your bug, explaining how to reproduce it, and what was expected --> Issue 1: Classic editor - The Content textarea is not scrollable Issue 2: Both editors - Too much left & right margin, squashing the editors <!-- Please fill the following information when relevant (or remove them if not) --> - **Plume version:** 59023e96023405847b3a91658e0adffecceb993d - **Operating system:** Android 9 Pie - **Web Browser:** Fennec F-Droid (Firefox android)
GitHubGeek commented 2019-05-31 01:56:31 +00:00 (Migrated from

Just noticed another issue: The link to Classic editor (any changes will be lost) is also squashed on mobile. See screenshot:

link squashed rich text editor mobile

Just noticed another issue: The link to _Classic editor (any changes will be lost)_ is also squashed on mobile. See screenshot: ![link squashed rich text editor mobile](
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Reference: Plume/Plume#604
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