Cached assets not generating #823

4 роки тому відкрито maxolasersquad · 0 коментарів
maxolasersquad прокоментував(ла) 4 роки тому

I recentlly upgraded from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0. After running through all of the steps my Plume site doess not have any images. Looking at the Network traffic the images are getting a 404. Looking in the /static directory all of the assets are there, but there is no cached directory where the site is trying to upll them from. I have re-ran through the steps running the different cargo commands, but none of them are generating the cached assets.

I recentlly upgraded from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0. After running through all of the steps my Plume site doess not have any images. Looking at the Network traffic the images are getting a 404. Looking in the `/static` directory all of the assets are there, but there is no `cached` directory where the site is trying to upll them from. I have re-ran through the steps running the different `cargo` commands, but none of them are generating the cached assets.
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Reference: Plume/Plume#823
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