Check / reset database #901

aberto por pwFoo 3 anos atrás · 0 comentários

During extend my entrypoint script I searched an easy way to verify database. But there is no subcommand for that and pg cli isn't installed to the docker image.

Maybe would be nice to have subcommands to

  1. verify if plume is installed (check if db tables exist -> plm db check?)
  2. reset database / instance (delete db tables and search index directory contents -> plm db reset?)
During extend my entrypoint script I searched an easy way to verify database. But there is no subcommand for that and pg cli isn't installed to the docker image. Maybe would be nice to have subcommands to 1. verify if plume is installed (check if db tables exist -> `plm db check`?) 1. reset database / instance (delete db tables and search index directory contents -> `plm db reset`?)
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Referência: Plume/Plume#901
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