Panic less and with better messages #281

Plume_migration_agent sloučil 2 commity z větve panic-refactor do větve master před před 6 roky

Fix #21
Change most unwrap to expect, and don't panic when it can be avoided. Also return better http codes, i.e. 400 and 404, when appropriate.
The trait rocker::request::FromParam should probably be implemented for Post, Blog, Media, User and Tag. Then we wouldn't need to return Options whenever an entity does not exist, and just let Rocket do the work for us

Fix #21 Change most unwrap to expect, and don't panic when it can be avoided. Also return better http codes, i.e. 400 and 404, when appropriate. The trait `rocker::request::FromParam` should probably be implemented for Post, Blog, Media, User and Tag. Then we wouldn't need to return `Option`s whenever an entity does not exist, and just let Rocket do the work for us
elegaanz (Migrováno z schválil tyto změny před 6 roky
elegaanz (Migrováno z zanechal komentář

Thanks a lot!

Thanks a lot!
elegaanz okomentoval před 6 roky (Migrováno z

And yes, implementing FromParams for these types would be a good idea.

And yes, implementing FromParams for these types would be a good idea.

After trying to, I guess it might not be possible, because we need a db connection, and I don't think there is a way to access managed state from from_param (it only takes a &RawStr as parameters). Nonetheless I'll ask on Matrix

After trying to, I guess it might not be possible, because we need a db connection, and I don't think there is a way to access managed state from from_param (it only takes a &RawStr as parameters). Nonetheless I'll ask on Matrix
elegaanz okomentoval před 6 roky (Migrováno z

Maybe with with FromRequest and Request::get_param then? But it may force us to duplicate parameters in the routes signatures…

Maybe with with `FromRequest` and `Request::get_param` then? But it may force us to duplicate parameters in the routes signatures…

If we end up doing manual routing it may reduce code duplication a bit, but it will add a lot of complexity, and we won't be able to use rocket's code generation if we do so. I'll see what answer I get from Matrix, but what I said earlier might very well be a false good idea

If we end up doing manual routing it may reduce code duplication a bit, but it will add a lot of complexity, and we won't be able to use rocket's code generation if we do so. I'll see what answer I get from Matrix, but what I said earlier might very well be a false good idea


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Můžete také zobrazit instrukce příkazové řádky.

Krok 1:

Z vašeho repositáře projektu se podívejte na novou větev a vyzkoušejte změny.
git checkout -b panic-refactor master
git pull origin panic-refactor

Krok 2:

Slučte změny a aktualizujte je na Forgejo.
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff panic-refactor
git push origin master
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Žádný termín dokončení.


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Reference: Plume/Plume#281
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