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Better header line height #418

dfeyer integrou 2 cometimento(s) do ramo task-better-header no ramo master há 5 anos
dfeyer comentou há 5 anos (Migrado de github.com)

This change also remote all units for line-height to have more consistent styles and better cascading support. This solve the too small line height for multi line header in article and also add styling for h1 to h6 (previously h3 to h6 was not styled at all)

This change also remote all units for line-height to have more consistent styles and better cascading support. This solve the too small line height for multi line header in article and also add styling for h1 to h6 (previously h3 to h6 was not styled at all)
igalic (Migrado de github.com) reviu há 5 anos
igalic (Migrado de github.com) deixou um comentário

@ -18,3 +18,3 @@
font-size: 1.2em;
line-height: 1.7em;
line-height: 1.7;
igalic (Migrado de github.com) comentou há 5 anos

what's the measure without a postfix?

what's the measure without a postfix?
dfeyer (Migrado de github.com) reviu há 5 anos
@ -18,3 +18,3 @@
font-size: 1.2em;
line-height: 1.7em;
line-height: 1.7;
dfeyer (Migrado de github.com) comentou há 5 anos

line-height without postfix is based on the current font size (so a bit like em), but with the em postfix, cascading is based on the current font size, so the h1-6 get a line height of 1.7em based on the font size of the main articleselector, so way too small. Without the postfix, element inside the article will have a correct line height, based on their own font size.

Try to insert a really long headline in an article (to have a multi line rendering), with and without this PR to see that the headline are not readable.

See for more details about the unitless value for line-height: https://css-tricks.com/almanac/properties/l/line-height/#article-header-id-0

line-height without postfix is based on the current font size (so a bit like em), but with the em postfix, cascading is based on the current font size, so the h1-6 get a line height of 1.7em based on the font size of the `main article`selector, so way too small. Without the postfix, element inside the article will have a correct line height, based on their own font size. Try to insert a really long headline in an article (to have a multi line rendering), with and without this PR to see that the headline are not readable. See for more details about the unitless value for line-height: https://css-tricks.com/almanac/properties/l/line-height/#article-header-id-0
elegaanz (Migrado de github.com) aprovou estas modificações há 5 anos
elegaanz (Migrado de github.com) deixou um comentário




A integração foi executada no cometimento 671c340aa8.

Passo 1:

No seu repositório, crie um novo ramo e teste as modificações.
git checkout -b task-better-header master
git pull origin task-better-header

Passo 2:

Integre as modificações e envie para o Forgejo.
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff task-better-header
git push origin master
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Referência: Plume/Plume#418
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