reduce reqwest timeout to 5s #557

Merge aplicado
Plume_migration_agent aplicou merge dos 1 commits de reduce-timeout em master 5 anos atrás

Current timeout is 30s, this add a second kind of timeout : if connection to remote can't be established in 5s, the remote is considered down, so that a thread don't stall for too long for no reason (and also make some unit test much faster to run)

Current timeout is 30s, this add a second kind of timeout : if connection to remote can't be established in 5s, the remote is considered down, so that a thread don't stall for too long for no reason (and also make some unit test much faster to run)
elegaanz (Migrado de aprovou estas alterações 5 anos atrás
elegaanz (Migrado de deixou um comentário

It makes me think: couldn't we have a unique client (in a lazy_static! or something like that). I think reqwest keep connections for a certain time if the client is not dropped, and it probably caches DNS too.

Otherwise, it looks good to me, so if the CI is happy you can merge.

It makes me think: couldn't we have a unique client (in a `lazy_static!` or something like that). I think reqwest keep connections for a certain time if the client is not dropped, and it probably caches DNS too. Otherwise, it looks good to me, so if the CI is happy you can merge.
codecov[bot] comentou 5 anos atrás (Migrado de

Codecov Report

Merging #557 into master will increase coverage by 2.71%.
The diff coverage is 62.96%.

@@            Coverage Diff             @@
##           master     #557      +/-   ##
+ Coverage   40.03%   42.75%   +2.71%     
  Files          69       70       +1     
  Lines        8035     8846     +811     
+ Hits         3217     3782     +565     
- Misses       4818     5064     +246
# [Codecov]( Report > Merging [#557]( into [master]( will **increase** coverage by `2.71%`. > The diff coverage is `62.96%`. ```diff @@ Coverage Diff @@ ## master #557 +/- ## ========================================== + Coverage 40.03% 42.75% +2.71% ========================================== Files 69 70 +1 Lines 8035 8846 +811 ========================================== + Hits 3217 3782 +565 - Misses 4818 5064 +246 ```

maybe not a unique client (if we have multiple request to do at the same time they will be queued), but we could probably make some kind of pool of clients. I'll keep the idea somewhere for when I have spare time to spend

maybe not a unique client (if we have multiple request to do at the same time they will be queued), but we could probably make some kind of pool of clients. I'll keep the idea somewhere for when I have spare time to spend


O pull request teve merge aplicado como 33a0c7dcd3.
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git checkout -b reduce-timeout master
git pull origin reduce-timeout

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Faça merge das alterações e atualize no Forgejo.
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff reduce-timeout
git push origin master
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Referência: Plume/Plume#557
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