Direct follow-up to #578 #603

marek-lach ha unito 1 commit da grammar-corr-for-user a master 5 anni fa
marek-lach 5 anni fa ha commentato (Migrato da

Since this is not a case of 'they have been', but rather a specific single user who 'has been' blocked, or unblocked, or banned, this is a better wording for the use case.

Since this is not a case of '_they have been_', but rather a specific single user who '_has been_' blocked, or unblocked, or banned, this is a better wording for the use case.
elegaanz (Migrato da hanno approvato queste modifiche 5 anni fa
elegaanz (Migrato da lascia un commento




La pull request è stata unita come 037674ae13.
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Passo 1:

Dal repository del tuo progetto, fai il check out di un nuovo branch e verifica le modifiche.
git checkout -b grammar-corr-for-user master
git pull origin grammar-corr-for-user

Passo 2:

Fai il merge delle modifiche e aggiorna su Forgejo.
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff grammar-corr-for-user
git push origin master
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Riferimento: Plume/Plume#603
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