fill entirely user on creation #657

Plume_migration_agent ha unito 1 commit da bugfix/635 a master 5 anni fa
trinity-1686a 5 anni fa ha commentato

fix #635

(untested, someone should check on plume-ci if it works fine)

fix #635 (untested, someone should check on plume-ci if it works fine)
codecov[bot] 5 anni fa ha commentato (Migrato da

Codecov Report

Merging #657 into master will decrease coverage by 0.3%.
The diff coverage is 73.33%.

@@            Coverage Diff            @@
##           master    #657      +/-   ##
- Coverage   35.11%   34.8%   -0.31%     
  Files          68      68              
  Lines        7943    7946       +3     
  Branches     1889    1884       -5     
- Hits         2789    2766      -23     
- Misses       4374    4404      +30     
+ Partials      780     776       -4
# [Codecov]( Report > Merging [#657]( into [master]( will **decrease** coverage by `0.3%`. > The diff coverage is `73.33%`. ```diff @@ Coverage Diff @@ ## master #657 +/- ## ========================================= - Coverage 35.11% 34.8% -0.31% ========================================= Files 68 68 Lines 7943 7946 +3 Branches 1889 1884 -5 ========================================= - Hits 2789 2766 -23 - Misses 4374 4404 +30 + Partials 780 776 -4 ```
elegaanz 5 anni fa ha commentato (Migrato da

(I "played" a little bit with my server yesterday, and it looks like plume-ci is down now. I'll restart it for future branches and test this one locally)

(I "played" a little bit with my server yesterday, and it looks like plume-ci is down now. I'll restart it for future branches and test this one locally)
elegaanz (Migrato da hanno approvato queste modifiche 5 anni fa
elegaanz (Migrato da lascia un commento

Seems to work!

Seems to work!


La pull request è stata unita come ddbec3f204.
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Passo 1:

Dal repository del tuo progetto, fai il check out di un nuovo branch e verifica le modifiche.
git checkout -b bugfix/635 master
git pull origin bugfix/635

Passo 2:

Fai il merge delle modifiche e aggiorna su Forgejo.
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff bugfix/635
git push origin master
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Riferimento: Plume/Plume#657
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