Fixed: #713: Disply likes and boosts on post cards #744

floreal sloučil 1 commity z větve display-boost-and-likes-in-timelines do větve master před před 4 roky
floreal okomentoval před 4 roky (Migrováno z

This is a basic and simple way to display them. No interaction possible.

Alos, this patch is not optimised. as everytime a partial post_card is
called, Post::count_likes() and Post::count_reshares() are called
which means quite a few more quesies are sent to database unless diesel
uses some cache mechanisem.

A way to enhance this this would be to keep a count of likes and reshares
are kept in Post model / table.

This is a basic and simple way to display them. No interaction possible. Alos, this patch is not optimised. as everytime a partial post_card is called, `Post::count_likes()` and `Post::count_reshares()` are called which means quite a few more quesies are sent to database unless diesel uses some cache mechanisem. A way to enhance this this would be to keep a count of likes and reshares are kept in Post model / table.
floreal okomentoval před 4 roky (Migrováno z

On dark theme:
On Light theme:

On dark theme: ![image]( On Light theme: ![image](
elegaanz okomentoval před 4 roky (Migrováno z

Thanks for the PR.

I'm not 100% about the presentation, these counters looks too big and in the middle of the card to me, like if they were the most important information here. Maybe moving on the same line as the author/blog/date would help?

And for the like/share counter cache on Post, feel free to implement it if you want, but this PR can probably be merged as it is. I don't know if Diesel does caching, but Postgres and SQlite certainly do, so it should be fine.

Thanks for the PR. I'm not 100% about the presentation, these counters looks too big and in the middle of the card to me, like if they were the most important information here. Maybe moving on the same line as the author/blog/date would help? And for the like/share counter cache on Post, feel free to implement it if you want, but this PR can probably be merged as it is. I don't know if Diesel does caching, but Postgres and SQlite certainly do, so it should be fine.
floreal okomentoval před 4 roky (Migrováno z

Ok, how about that?



On larger cards:

@elegaanz is it ok with you ?

Ok, how about that? ![image]( ![image]( On larger cards: ![image]( @elegaanz is it ok with you ?
elegaanz (Migrováno z schválil tyto změny před 4 roky
elegaanz (Migrováno z zanechal komentář

Yes, it looks great! Thank you

Yes, it looks great! Thank you


Požadavek na natažení byl sloučen jako 4e43c676b4.
Můžete také zobrazit instrukce příkazové řádky.

Krok 1:

Z vašeho repositáře projektu se podívejte na novou větev a vyzkoušejte změny.
git checkout -b display-boost-and-likes-in-timelines master
git pull origin display-boost-and-likes-in-timelines

Krok 2:

Slučte změny a aktualizujte je na Forgejo.
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff display-boost-and-likes-in-timelines
git push origin master
Přihlaste se pro zapojení do konverzace.
Žádní posuzovatelé
Bez milníku
Bez zpracovatelů
1 účastníků
Termín dokončení
Termín dokončení není platný nebo je mimo rozsah. Použijte prosím formát „rrrr-mm-dd“.

Žádný termín dokončení.


Nejsou nastaveny žádné závislosti.

Reference: Plume/Plume#744
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