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Added: New translations #752

floreal möchte 1 Commits von floreal/translations-update nach master mergen
floreal hat vor 4 Jahren kommentiert (Migriert von github.com)

When building, new translations appear. This PR is here just to update translation files and update translations on crowdin.

When building, new translations appear. This PR is here just to update translation files and update translations on crowdin.
elegaanz hat vor 4 Jahren kommentiert (Migriert von github.com)

We usually do that only once before each release, but I can merge it if you want. Maybe our translation workflow is not ideal? And we should probably document it better…

We usually do that only once before each release, but I can merge it if you want. Maybe our translation workflow is not ideal? And we should probably document it better…
floreal hat vor 4 Jahren kommentiert (Migriert von github.com)

I don't know how Crowdin works, will merging it and sending translations through Circle CI delete al pending translations ?
If not, I think it's a good idea to send them before a release is made so that this could buy some time to translators to work before releases are made.
How other projects do that ?

I don't know how Crowdin works, will merging it and sending translations through Circle CI delete al pending translations ? If not, I think it's a good idea to send them before a release is made so that this could buy some time to translators to work before releases are made. How other projects do that ?
elegaanz hat vor 4 Jahren kommentiert (Migriert von github.com)

I don't really now how Crowdin works when you do that either…

I don't really now how Crowdin works when you do that either…
KitaitiMakoto hat vor 4 Jahren kommentiert (Migriert von github.com)

Hi, @floreal

will merging it and sending translations through Circle CI delete al pending translations ?

No, they won't delete any pending translations.

If not, I think it's a good idea to send them before a release is made so that this could buy some time to translators to work before releases are made.

@elegaanz said the reason why they merge translations just before new release:

We usually pull translations just before publishing a release, to avoid polluting the git history with repetitive commits.

How do you think about this?

In an aside, you can download pending translations from Crowdin once you create an account.

  1. Visit project page
  2. Select your language
  3. Open menu alongside file name: Screenshot from Gyazo
  4. Tap "Download" link

After that, you can replace po files with it and check translations on local app although it takes some time.

Hi, @floreal > will merging it and sending translations through Circle CI delete al pending translations ? No, they won't delete any pending translations. > If not, I think it's a good idea to send them before a release is made so that this could buy some time to translators to work before releases are made. @elegaanz said [the reason why they merge translations just before new release](https://matrix.to/#/!EQCycwwoFqVhWztkfh:disroot.org/$1587278737846KfPpi:disroot.org?via=disroot.org&via=matrix.org&via=bau-ha.us): > We usually pull translations just before publishing a release, to avoid polluting the git history with repetitive commits. How do you think about this? In an aside, you can download pending translations from Crowdin once you create an account. 1. Visit [project page](https://crowdin.com/project/plume) 2. Select your language 3. Open menu alongside file name: [![Screenshot from Gyazo](https://gyazo.com/f9d20d45f3624af1539091e1db81ae53/raw)](https://gyazo.com/f9d20d45f3624af1539091e1db81ae53) 4. Tap "Download" link After that, you can replace po files with it and check translations on local app although it takes some time.
KitaitiMakoto hat diesen Pull-Request vor 3 Jahren geschlossen
Dieser Pull-Request kann nicht wieder geöffnet werden, da die Branch bereits gelöscht wurde.

Schritt 1:

Wechsle auf einen neuen Branch in deinem lokalen Repository und teste die Änderungen.
git checkout -b floreal/translations-update master
git pull origin floreal/translations-update

Schritt 2:

Führe die Änderungen zusammen und aktualisiere den Stand online auf Forgejo.
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff floreal/translations-update
git push origin master
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Referenz: Plume/Plume#752
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