WIP: Experiment: extract Searcher into an Actor #807

igalic igalic/Plume:refactor/extract-searcher içindeki 2 işlemeyi main ile birleştirmek istiyor
igalic 4 yıl önce yorum yaptı

The goal of this pull request is to remove Searcher from PlumeRocket, as described in #799.
The strategy in this pull request is to use a riker actor and

  • Wrap Searcher & DbPool into an actor
  • create messages for add, delete, update
  • initialize actor system in main()
  • manage "actor system, so we have easy access to it
  • RequestGuard on ActorSystem, to allow access to it
  • instead of using &PlumeRocket.Searcher, use ActorSystem to send a message to our SearcherActor
The goal of this pull request is to remove `Searcher` from `PlumeRocket`, as described in #799. The strategy in this pull request is to use a riker actor and - Wrap Searcher & DbPool into an actor - create messages for add, delete, update - initialize actor system in `main()` - manage "actor system, so we have easy access to it - RequestGuard on ActorSystem, to allow access to it - instead of using `&PlumeRocket.Searcher`, use ActorSystem to send a message to our SearcherActor
igalic 2 işlemeyi 4 yıl önce ekledi
Add an SearcherActor, wrapping Searcher & DbPool
and implement AddDocument message!
This code compiles, but hasn't been put to use yet.
igalic 4 yıl önce yorum yaptı

closing in favour of #813

closing in favour of #813
igalic 4 yıl önce değişiklik isteğini kapattı
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Referans: Plume/Plume#807
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