You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

27 lines
1.1 KiB

@use plume_models::users::User;
@use crate::templates::{base, users::header};
@use crate::template_utils::*;
@use crate::routes::*;
@(ctx: BaseContext, user: User, follows: bool, is_remote: bool, remote_url: String, followed: Vec<User>, page: i32, n_pages: i32)
@:base(ctx, i18n!(ctx.1, "{0}'s subscriptions";, {}, {}, {
@:header(ctx, &user, follows, is_remote, remote_url)
(&uri!(user::details: name = &user.fqn).to_string(), i18n!(ctx.1, "Articles"), false),
(&uri!(user::followers: name = &user.fqn, page = _).to_string(), i18n!(ctx.1, "Subscribers"), false),
(&uri!(user::followed: name = &user.fqn, page = _).to_string(), i18n!(ctx.1, "Subscriptions"), true)
<div class="cards">
@for follow in followed {
<div class="card">
<h3><a href="@uri!(user::details: name = &follow.fqn)"></a> <small>@format!("@{}", &follow.fqn)</small></h3>
@paginate(ctx.1, page, n_pages)