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//! # Rocket I18N
//! A crate to help you internationalize your Rocket applications.
//! ## Features
//! - Create `.po` files for locales listed in `po/LINGUAS`, from a POT file
//! - Update `.po` files from the POT file if needed
//! - Compile `.po` files into `.mo` ones
//! - Select the correct locale for each request
//! - Integrates with Tera templates
//! ## Usage
//! First add it to your `Cargo.toml`:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! rocket_i18n = "0.1"
//! ```
//! Then, in your `main.rs`:
//! ```rust
//! extern crate rocket_i18n;
//! // ...
//! fn main() {
//! rocket::ignite()
//! // Register the fairing. The parameter is the domain you want to use (the name of your app most of the time)
//! .attach(rocket_i18n::I18n::new("my_app"))
//! // Eventually register the Tera filters (only works with the master branch of Rocket)
//! .attach(rocket_contrib::Template::custom(|engines| {
//! rocket_i18n::tera(&mut engines.tera);
//! }))
//! // Register routes, etc
//! }
//! ```
//! ## For the developers
//! ### Using Tera filters
//! If you called `rocket_i18n::tera`, you'll be able to use two Tera filters to translate your interface.
//! The first one, `_`, corresponds to the `gettext` function of gettext. It takes a string as input and translate it. Any argument given to the filter can
//! be used in the translated string using the Tera syntax.
//! ```jinja
//! <p>{{ "Hello, world" | _ }}</p>
//! <p>{{ "Your name is {{ name }}" | _(name=user.name) }}
//! ```
//! The second one, `_n`, is equivalent to `ngettext`. It takes the plural form as input, and two required arguments in addition to those you may want to use for interpolation:
//! - `singular`, the singular form of this string
//! - `count`, the number of items, to determine how the string should be pluralized
//! ```jinja
//! <p>{{ "{{ count }} new messages" | _n(singular="One new message", count=messages.unread_count) }}</p>
//! ```
//! ### In Rust code
//! You can also use all the gettext functions in your Rust code.
//! ```rust
//! use rocket_i18n;
//! #[get("/")]
//! fn index() -> String {
//! gettext("Hello, world!")
//! }
//! #[get("/<name>")]
//! fn hello(name: String) -> String {
//! format!(gettext("Hello, {}!"), name)
//! }
//! ```
//! ### Editing the POT
//! For those strings to be translatable you should also add them to the `po/YOUR_DOMAIN.pot` file. To add a simple message, just do:
//! ```po
//! msgid "Hello, world" # The string you used with your filter
//! msgstr "" # Always empty
//! ```
//! For plural forms, the syntax is a bit different:
//! ```po
//! msgid "You have one new notification" # The singular form
//! msgid_plural "You have {{ count }} new notifications" # The plural one
//! msgstr[0] ""
//! msgstr[1] ""
//! ```
extern crate gettextrs;
extern crate rocket;
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate tera;
use gettextrs::*;
use rocket::{Data, Request, Rocket, fairing::{Fairing, Info, Kind}};
use std::{
io::{BufRead, BufReader},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use tera::{Tera, Error as TeraError};
const ACCEPT_LANG: &'static str = "Accept-Language";
/// This is the main struct of this crate. You can register it on your Rocket instance as a
/// fairing.
/// ```rust
/// rocket::ignite()
/// .attach(I18n::new("app"))
/// ```
/// The parameter you give to [`I18n::new`] is the gettext domain to use. It doesn't really matter what you choose,
/// but it is usually the name of your app.
/// Once this fairing is registered, it will update your .po files from the POT, compile them into .mo files, and select
/// the requested locale for each request using the `Accept-Language` HTTP header.
pub struct I18n {
domain: &'static str
impl I18n {
/// Creates a new I18n fairing for the given domain
pub fn new(domain: &'static str) -> I18n {
I18n {
domain: domain
impl Fairing for I18n {
fn info(&self) -> Info {
Info {
name: "Gettext I18n",
kind: Kind::Attach | Kind::Request
fn on_attach(&self, rocket: Rocket) -> Result<Rocket, Rocket> {
bindtextdomain(self.domain, fs::canonicalize(&PathBuf::from("./translations/")).unwrap().to_str().unwrap());
fn on_request(&self, request: &mut Request, _: &Data) {
let lang = request
// We can't use setlocale(LocaleCategory::LcAll, lang), because it only accepts system-wide installed
// locales (and most of the time there are only a few of them).
// But, when we set the LANGUAGE environment variable, and an empty string as a second parameter to
// setlocale, gettext will be smart enough to find a matching locale in the locally installed ones.
env::set_var("LANGUAGE", lang);
setlocale(LocaleCategory::LcAll, "");
fn update_po(domain: &str) {
let pot_path = Path::new("po").join(format!("{}.pot", domain));
for lang in get_locales() {
let po_path = Path::new("po").join(format!("{}.po", lang.clone()));
if po_path.exists() && po_path.is_file() {
println!("Updating {}", lang.clone());
// Update it
.expect("Couldn't update PO file");
} else {
println!("Creating {}", lang.clone());
// Create it from the template
.arg(format!("--input={}", pot_path.to_str().unwrap()))
.arg(format!("--output-file={}", po_path.to_str().unwrap()))
.expect("Couldn't init PO file");
fn compile_po(domain: &str) {
for lang in get_locales() {
let po_path = Path::new("po").join(format!("{}.po", lang.clone()));
let mo_dir = Path::new("translations")
fs::create_dir_all(mo_dir.clone()).expect("Couldn't create MO directory");
let mo_path = mo_dir.join(format!("{}.mo", domain));
.arg(format!("--output-file={}", mo_path.to_str().unwrap()))
.expect("Couldn't compile translations");
fn get_locales() -> Vec<String> {
let linguas_file = fs::File::open(Path::new("po").join("LINGUAS")).expect("Couldn't find po/LINGUAS file");
let linguas = BufReader::new(&linguas_file);
fn tera_gettext(msg: serde_json::Value, ctx: HashMap<String, serde_json::Value>) -> Result<serde_json::Value, TeraError> {
let trans = gettext(msg.as_str().unwrap());
Ok(serde_json::Value::String(Tera::one_off(trans.as_ref(), &ctx, false).unwrap_or(String::from(""))))
fn tera_ngettext(msg: serde_json::Value, ctx: HashMap<String, serde_json::Value>) -> Result<serde_json::Value, TeraError> {
let trans = ngettext(
ctx.get("count").unwrap().as_u64().unwrap() as u32
Ok(serde_json::Value::String(Tera::one_off(trans.as_ref(), &ctx, false).unwrap_or(String::from(""))))
/// Register translation filters on your Tera instance
/// ```rust
/// rocket::ignite()
/// .attach(rocket_contrib::Template::custom(|engines| {
/// rocket_i18n::tera(&mut engines.tera);
/// }))
/// ```
/// The two registered filters are `_` and `_n`. For example use, see the crate documentation,
/// or the project's README.
pub fn tera(t: &mut Tera) {
t.register_filter("_", tera_gettext);
t.register_filter("_n", tera_ngettext);