
Bat 6 years ago
parent c5553cc261
commit 0211894ef6

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
//! A crate to help you fetch and serve WebFinger resources.
//! Use [`resolve`] to fetch remote resources, and [`Resolver`] to serve your own resources.
extern crate reqwest;
extern crate serde;
@ -9,28 +13,60 @@ use reqwest::{Client, header::{Accept, qitem}, mime::Mime};
mod tests;
/// WebFinger result that may serialized or deserialized to JSON
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct Webfinger {
subject: String,
aliases: Vec<String>,
links: Vec<Link>
/// The subject of this WebFinger result.
/// It is an `acct:` URI
pub subject: String,
/// A list of aliases for this WebFinger result.
pub aliases: Vec<String>,
/// Links to places where you may find more information about this resource.
pub links: Vec<Link>
/// Structure to represent a WebFinger link
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct Link {
rel: String,
href: String,
/// Tells what this link represents
pub rel: String,
/// The actual URL of the link
pub href: String,
/// The mime-type of this link.
/// If you fetch this URL, you may want to use this value for the Accept header of your HTTP
/// request.
mime_type: Option<String>
pub mime_type: Option<String>
/// An error that occured while fetching a WebFinger resource.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum WebfingerError {
/// The error came from the HTTP client.
/// The requested resource couldn't be parsed, and thus couldn't be fetched
/// The received JSON couldn't be parsed into a valid [`Webfinger`] struct.
/// Computes the URL to fetch for an `acct:` URI.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use webfinger::url_for_acct;
/// assert_eq!(url_for_acct(""), Ok(String::from("")));
/// ```
pub fn url_for_acct<T: Into<String>>(acct: T) -> Result<String, WebfingerError> {
let acct = acct.into();
@ -39,6 +75,7 @@ pub fn url_for_acct<T: Into<String>>(acct: T) -> Result<String, WebfingerError>
.map(|instance| format!("https://{}/.well-known/webfinger?resource=acct:{}", instance, acct))
/// Fetches a WebFinger resource, identified by the `acct` parameter, an `acct:` URI.
pub fn resolve(acct: String) -> Result<Webfinger, WebfingerError> {
let url = url_for_acct(acct)?;
@ -50,17 +87,36 @@ pub fn resolve(acct: String) -> Result<Webfinger, WebfingerError> {
.and_then(|res| serde_json::from_str(&res[..]).map_err(|_| WebfingerError::JsonError))
/// An error that occured while handling an incoming WebFinger request.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum ResolverError {
/// The requested resource was not correctly formatted
/// The website of the resource is not the current one.
/// The requested resource was not found.
/// A trait to easily generate a WebFinger endpoint for any resource repository.
/// The `R` type is your resource repository (a database for instance) that will be passed to the
/// [`find`](Resolver::find) and [`endpoint`](Resolver::endpoint) functions.
pub trait Resolver<R> {
/// Returns the domain name of the current instance.
fn instance_domain<'a>() -> &'a str;
/// Tries to find a resource, `acct`, in the repository `resource_repo`.
/// `acct` is not a complete `acct:` URI, it only contains the identifier of the requested resource
/// (e.g. `test` for ``)
/// If the resource couldn't be found, you may probably want to return a [`ResolverError::NotFound`].
fn find(acct: String, resource_repo: R) -> Result<Webfinger, ResolverError>;
/// Returns a WebFinger result for a requested resource.
fn endpoint<T: Into<String>>(resource: T, resource_repo: R) -> Result<Webfinger, ResolverError> {
let resource = resource.into();
let mut parsed_query = resource.splitn(2, ":");
