Commit Graph

37 Commits (af5674074dc98764c389f57a22ead0cd51e14f06)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Kitaiti Makoto af5674074d Revert "Save remote post only when it doesn't exist on local"
This reverts commit 37cbf537bb.
3 years ago
Kitaiti Makoto 28380021a7 Determine file path of mirror of remote image using the URI 3 years ago
Kitaiti Makoto 25e52788c5 Replace PlumeRocket with DbConn where possible 3 years ago
Kitaiti Makoto 012c8d2026 Remove redundant imports 3 years ago
Aiden McClelland 24aac22b89
proxy support 3 years ago
Ana Gelez 5f8d6b8e0e Rust 2018! (#726) 4 years ago
fdb-hiroshima 3663bffe5c Update compiler (#725)
* update compiler to recent nightly

* cargo fmt

* fix clippy

but ructe code is still complaining

* update circleci and rocket_csrf

* fix last clippy problems

* cargo fmt

* fix build issue

was caused be improper handling of recursive template (comment) by old ructe, which is fixed on newer version
4 years ago
Violet White 866465c603 Add environmental variable to control path of media (#683) 5 years ago
fdb-hiroshima 006b44f580 Add support for generic timeline (#525)
* Begin adding support for timeline

* fix some bugs with parser

* fmt

* add error reporting for parser

* add tests for timeline query parser

* add rejection tests for parse

* begin adding support for lists

also run migration before compiling, so is up to date

* add sqlite migration

* end adding lists

still miss tests and query integration

* cargo fmt

* try to add some tests

* Add some constraint to db, and fix list test

and refactor other tests to use begin_transaction

* add more tests for lists

* add support for lists in query executor

* add keywords for including/excluding boosts and likes

* cargo fmt

* add function to list lists used by query

will make it easier to warn users when creating timeline with unknown lists

* add lang support

* add timeline creation error message when using unexisting lists

* Update .po files

* WIP: interface for timelines

* don't use diesel for migrations

not sure how it passed the ci on the other branch

* add some tests for timeline

add an int representing the order of timelines (first one will be on
top, second just under...)
use first() instead of limit(1).get().into_iter().nth(0)
remove migrations from build artifacts as they are now compiled in

* cargo fmt

* remove timeline order

* fix tests

* add tests for timeline creation failure

* cargo fmt

* add tests for timelines

* add test for matching direct lists and keywords

* add test for language filtering

* Add a more complex test for Timeline::matches, and fix TQ::matches for TQ::Or

* Make the main crate compile + FMT

* Use the new timeline system

- Replace the old "feed" system with timelines
- Display all timelines someone can access on their home page (either their personal ones, or instance timelines)
- Remove functions that were used to get user/local/federated feed
- Add new posts to timelines
- Create a default timeline called "My feed" for everyone, and "Local feed"/"Federated feed" with timelines

@fdb-hiroshima I don't know if that's how you pictured it? If you imagined it differently I can of course make changes.

I hope I didn't forgot anything…

* Cargo fmt

* Try to fix the migration

* Fix tests

* Fix the test (for real this time ?)

* Fix the tests ? + fmt

* Use Kind::Like and Kind::Reshare when needed

* Forgot to run cargo fmt once again

* revert translations

* fix reviewed stuff

* reduce code duplication by macros

* cargo fmt
5 years ago
fdb-hiroshima d46af6fe5b order media so that latest added are top (#660)
* order media so that latest added are top

partial fix for #621

* also order paginated medias
5 years ago
fdb-hiroshima 773fbfe7c8 cache local instance (#572)
* cache local instance

fix #564

* don't use local instance cache for plm

* use instance cache for plm, but initialize it

* cargo fmt
5 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 12efe721cc
Big refactoring of the Inbox (#443)
* Big refactoring of the Inbox

We now have a type that routes an activity through the registered handlers
until one of them matches.

Each Actor/Activity/Object combination is represented by an implementation of AsObject

These combinations are then registered on the Inbox type, which will try to deserialize
the incoming activity in the requested types.

- nicer syntax: the final API is clearer and more idiomatic
- more generic: only two traits (`AsActor` and `AsObject`) instead of one for each kind of activity
- it is easier to see which activities we handle and which one we don't

* Small fixes

- Avoid panics
- Don't search for AP ID infinitely
- Code style issues

* Fix tests

* Introduce a new trait: FromId

It should be implemented for any AP object.

It allows to look for an object in database using its AP ID, or to dereference it if it was not present in database

Also moves the inbox code to plume-models to test it (and write a basic test for each activity type we handle)

* Use if let instead of match

* Don't require PlumeRocket::intl for tests

* Return early and remove a forgotten dbg!

* Add more tests to try to understand where the issues come from

* Also add a test for comment federation

* Don't check creation_date is the same for blogs

* Make user and blog federation more tolerant to errors/missing fields

* Make clippy happy

* Use the correct Accept header when dereferencing

* Fix follow approval with Mastodon

* Add spaces to characters that should not be in usernames

And validate blog names too

* Smarter dereferencing: only do it once for each actor/object

* Forgot some files

* Cargo fmt

* Delete plume_test

* Delete plume_tests

* Update get_id docs + Remove useless : Sized

* Appease cargo fmt

* Remove dbg! + Use as_ref instead of clone when possible + Use and_then instead of map when possible

* Remove .po~

* send unfollow to local instance

* read cover from update activity

* Make sure "cc" and "to" are never empty

and fix a typo in a constant name

* Cargo fmt
5 years ago
fdb-hiroshima 12c2078c89
Hide cw pictures behind a summary/details (#483)
* Hide cw pictures behind a summary/details
* refactor md_to_html a bit and add cw support
* use random id for cw checkbox
5 years ago
fdb-hiroshima 26fc2cde5d
use circleci instead of travis (#511)
Upgrade rust-toolchain
Upgrade Tantivy
Warning: tantivy now use a different file format, search index may need to be deleted and recreated to work as intended
try to run compile twice in a row because sometime oomk is evil
5 years ago
Atul Bhosale b945d1f602 Run 'cargo fmt' to format code (#489) 5 years ago
Igor Galić 732f514da7 Refactor with the help of Clippy (#462)
We add clippy as our build — also rectifying the missing `plume-cli` build!

In the next step we follow clippy's advise and fix some of the "simple" mistakes in our code, such as style or map usage.

Finally, we refactor some hard bits that need extraction of new types, or refactoring of function call-types, especially those that thread thru macros, and, of course functions with ~15 parameters should probably be rethought.
5 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 42dca3daae
Remove some unused #[derive] (#473)
We used to need them, probably when we were using Tera.
5 years ago
Baptiste Gelez eff2698664
Slightly improve the media experience (#452)
* Slightly improve the media experience

- Use a grid to display the list of media
- Add icons for non-image media preview
- Paginate the gallery
- Add links to the gallery in the editor and in the profile settings to make it more discoverable when you need it

Fixes #432

* Allow video and audio tags in SafeString

Otherwise we can't display their preview, nor show them in articles

Also show controls by default for these two elements

* Show fallback images for audio and unknown files, to make them more visible

* Add a new constructor to SafeString when the input is trusted and doesn't need to be escaped.

And use it to generate media previews.

* Make it possible to insert video/audio in articles
5 years ago
fdb-hiroshima 716c58cb71 Lowercase extension before detemining media type (#437) 5 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 80a4dae8bd
Avoid panics (#392)
- Use `Result` as much as possible
- Display errors instead of panicking

TODO (maybe in another PR? this one is already quite big):
- Find a way to merge Ructe/ErrorPage types, so that we can have routes returning `Result<X, ErrorPage>` instead of panicking when we have an `Error`
- Display more details about the error, to make it easier to debug

(sorry, this isn't going to be fun to review, the diff is huge, but it is always the same changes)
5 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 61b6ceed92
Add some constraint at database level (#342)
* Add some constraint at database level

Fixes #79 and should fix #201 and #113 as well

* Fix tests

Delete duplicated data before adding constraints (only with Postgres, there is no way to do it with Sqlite with complex constraints like the one we are using)

Remove the constraint on media path

* We don't need to drop the media unique constraint anymore

Because we deleted it
6 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 70af57c6e1
Use Ructe (#327)
All the template are now compiled at compile-time with the `ructe` crate.

I preferred to use it instead of askama because it allows more complex Rust expressions, where askama only supports a small subset of expressions and doesn't allow them everywhere (for instance, `{{ macro!() | filter }}` would result in a parsing error).

The diff is quite huge, but there is normally no changes in functionality.

Fixes #161 and unblocks #110 and #273
6 years ago
Trinity Pointard ed71d24fe9 Verify remote user name and media url 6 years ago
fdb-hiroshima 74c398d60c
Run cargo clippy on whole project (#322)
* Run cargo clippy on plume-common

Run clippy on plume-common and adjuste code accordingly

* Run cargo clippy on plume-model

Run clippy on plume-model and adjuste code accordingly

* Reduce need for allocation in plume-common

* Reduce need for allocation in plume-model

add a quick compilation failure if no database backend is enabled

* Run cargo clippy on plume-cli

* Run cargo clippy on plume
6 years ago
fdb-hiroshima 8a4702df92 Add unit tests for main model parts (#310)
Add tests for following models:
- Blog
- Instance
- Media
- User
6 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 25b7399e7f Only list images for possible covers 6 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 95326c09e0 Federate article covers 6 years ago
Trinity Pointard 0bb719830a Fix incorrect media link
Fix #292
6 years ago
Trinity Pointard 4e6f3209d5 Normalize panic message
Change all unwrap to expect
Normalize expect's messages
Don't panic where it could be avoided easily
6 years ago
Bat 743620eb6a
Fix the SQlite build 6 years ago
Bat 38d737ed0c
Introduce features to choose between SQlite or Postgres 6 years ago
Bat aa5fa11218 Add support for avatars, and fetch remote ones 6 years ago
Bat a357dae45d Add Markdown code to copy/paste for medias 6 years ago
Bat 15f4a2079f Add support for SVG medias 6 years ago
Bat 99fdb8e680 Media deletion 6 years ago
Bat f44b6fffa3 Media upload 6 years ago
Bat 0b5eb2c946 Add a Media model 6 years ago