Explain how to add new languages to the app

Ana Gelez 4 years ago
parent d173a8b59c
commit 8c3529c654

@ -156,6 +156,19 @@ There is no need to provide individual translations of `i18n!`-wrapped strings
The strings will be uploaded to a third-party web service and translated automatically as
a separate step.
### Adding a language
Managers of the Crowdin project may add new languages to the list of target languages.
But for these new languages to be visible in the interface as well, some changes need to be made to the code.
First of all, make sure that the corresponding `.po` file is present in `po/plume`, and in `po/plume-front`.
If it is not, ask someone who has access to the Crowdin API key (like a Crowdin manager or owner) to pull it with the Crowdin CLI tool.
Then, in `src/main.rs` and `plume-front/src/main.rs`, add the code corresponding to the language in the `init_i18n!` macro.
If you don't know the code for the language: it is the name of the `.po` file, without the extension.
`cargo check` to make sure everything compile, and you are good to go!
## Working with the front-end
When working with the front-end, we try limit our use of JavaScript as much as possible.
