Commit Graph

886 Commits (718e23ac85d7874ad81b4b750c5e5ae041e08d97)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Baptiste Gelez 718e23ac85
Links to

Say that we have a CoC

Remove link to
5 years ago
Marcin Mikołajczak 61a79f426b i18n: Update Polish translation (#366) 5 years ago
fdb-hiroshima ce08346487
Remove ap_url from mention (#362) 5 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 9e799f2cf2
Use SCSS (#355)
- Use variables
- Split everything in various files

The SCSS is compiled with `cargo build`/`run`

I also fixed a few visual issues.
5 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 38302203f4
Count items in database as much as possible (#344)
* Count items in database as much as possible

* Fix the tests

* Remove two useless queries

* Run pragma directive before each sqlite connection

* Pragma for tests too

* Remove debug messages
5 years ago
Baptiste Gelez b0089e59b7
Remove useless pagination routes (#351)
Rocket 0.4 let us have routes with optional query parameter
5 years ago
Baptiste Gelez e139008d35 Fix reshare button style 5 years ago
Trinity Pointard 21fe63665d Upgrade rocket_csrf
Fix #346
5 years ago
Trinity Pointard 2870642cfa Fix mentions containing underscores
Fix #338
5 years ago
Trinity Pointard fcbaf6eee3 Allow to keep query params in paginate
Fix #349
5 years ago
Kristof De Jaeger 144f5966dd Add a space between u-url class and href (#347)
There's a missing space, which probably causes the h-feed not to parse.
You can always use to validate the microformats on a page.

e.g. is fine, so that's good!

However, the h-feed isn't parsing right - (you can always add 'expect=feed' to the get params if you are really sure it needs to be a feed)
5 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 61b6ceed92
Add some constraint at database level (#342)
* Add some constraint at database level

Fixes #79 and should fix #201 and #113 as well

* Fix tests

Delete duplicated data before adding constraints (only with Postgres, there is no way to do it with Sqlite with complex constraints like the one we are using)

Remove the constraint on media path

* We don't need to drop the media unique constraint anymore

Because we deleted it
5 years ago
Baptiste Gelez b73fbd3768
License federation (#343)
* Federate license

* Make it possible to use no license
5 years ago
fdb-hiroshima e9f2f769be Add microformat tags (#341)
Close #229 
Adding `<div>` might have broken the layout in some places. I've tried to fix it, tell me if I missed it somewhere
5 years ago
Ryo Nakano 4182e67dbf Update Japanese translation (#339) 5 years ago
fdb-hiroshima e1ecc7289f
Upgrade plume dependencies (#332)
* Bump base64 from 0.9.3 to 0.10.0
* Bump bcrypt from 0.2.0 to 0.2.1
* Bump canapi from 0.1.0 to 0.2.0
* Bump failure from 0.1.2 to 0.1.3
* Bump hyper from 0.11.27 to 0.12.11
* Bump hyper from 0.11.27 to 0.12.16
* Bump lazy_static from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0
* Bump multipart from 0.15.3 to 0.15.4
* Bump openssl from 0.10.12 to 0.10.15
* Bump pulldown-cmark from 0.1.2 to 0.2.0
* Bump reqwest from 0.9.2 to 0.9.5
* Bump rocket from 0.4.0-rc.1 to 0.4.0
* Bump rpassword from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0
* Bump ructe from 0.5.2 to 0.5.4
* Bump serde_derive from 1.0.79 to 1.0.80
* Bump serde from 1.0.79 to 1.0.80
* Bump serde_json from 1.0.32 to 1.0.33
* Bump tera from 0.11.17 to 0.11.20
* Bump url from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2
* Bump validator to from 0.7.2 to 0.8.0
* Bump validator_derive from 0.7.2 to 0.8.0
* Bump whatlang from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0
* Remove hyper from plume-common dependencies
* Remove rpassword from Plume dependancies
* Upgrade compiler to nightly-2018-12-06
5 years ago
Trinity Pointard b4e4b497ee Works on template
Use uri! to generate links instead of hardcoded urls
Fix #110
Fix invalid links needing to be POST forms
Translate login message for boost and like directly from template
Put js for search in its own file
5 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 70af57c6e1
Use Ructe (#327)
All the template are now compiled at compile-time with the `ructe` crate.

I preferred to use it instead of askama because it allows more complex Rust expressions, where askama only supports a small subset of expressions and doesn't allow them everywhere (for instance, `{{ macro!() | filter }}` would result in a parsing error).

The diff is quite huge, but there is normally no changes in functionality.

Fixes #161 and unblocks #110 and #273
5 years ago
Trinity Pointard 5f059c3e98 Fix issues with tags and mentions
Fix issue where leading @ or # of a mention/hashtag get duplicated
Fix issue where normal tags were being overwritten by hashtags
5 years ago
Trinity Pointard d6e220cc8d Actually index post_id in tantivy
Otherwise you can't remove/edit a document
5 years ago
Trinity Pointard 39deede935 Verify signature date
Fix #286
Remove indexed from post_id search field as it was added by mistake
5 years ago
Ryo Nakano 5ff3b65cc5 i18n: Add Japanese translation (#333)
Browsing the Demo instance, I sometimes found Japanese articles. So I decided to translate Plume into Japanese.
5 years ago
Trinity Pointard 24071a6229 Make plm search use cwd if no directory is given and update doc 5 years ago
Trinity Pointard ed71d24fe9 Verify remote user name and media url 5 years ago
fdb-hiroshima 449641d158
Add a search engine into Plume (#324)
* Add search engine to the model

Add a Tantivy based search engine to the model
Implement most required functions for it

* Implement indexing and plm subcommands

Implement indexation on insert, update and delete
Modify func args to get the indexer where required
Add subcommand to initialize, refill and unlock search db

* Move to a new threadpool engine allowing scheduling

* Autocommit search index every half an hour

* Implement front part of search

Add default fields for search
Add new routes and templates for search and result
Implement FromFormValue for Page to reuse it on search result pagination
Add optional query parameters to paginate template's macro
Update to newer rocket_csrf, don't get csrf token on GET forms

* Handle process termination to release lock

Handle process termination
Add tests to search

* Add proper support for advanced search

Add an advanced search form to /search, in template and route
Modify Tantivy schema, add new tokenizer for some properties
Create new String query parser
Create Tantivy query AST from our own

* Split, add comment and tests

Split into multiple submodules
Add comments and tests for Query
Make user@domain be treated as one could assume
5 years ago
Trinity Pointard 9714bafded Verify username for special characters on signup 5 years ago
fdb-hiroshima 74c398d60c
Run cargo clippy on whole project (#322)
* Run cargo clippy on plume-common

Run clippy on plume-common and adjuste code accordingly

* Run cargo clippy on plume-model

Run clippy on plume-model and adjuste code accordingly

* Reduce need for allocation in plume-common

* Reduce need for allocation in plume-model

add a quick compilation failure if no database backend is enabled

* Run cargo clippy on plume-cli

* Run cargo clippy on plume
5 years ago
fdb-hiroshima 8a4702df92 Add unit tests for main model parts (#310)
Add tests for following models:
- Blog
- Instance
- Media
- User
5 years ago
KokaKiwi 0b9727ed28 Generate valid follow Accept activity URI (#317)
For now it only generate a "fake" URI for accept follow activities, but it should be possible to get the URI dereferencable later.

Also I don't know if this URI looks ok, I tried to get something kind of future-proof, but I don't really know about the actual URIs conventions.

Closes #313
5 years ago
KokaKiwi 100f6307a7 Set Content-Type for ActivityPub request to correct value. (#315) 5 years ago
KokaKiwi 67fe28177e Decode unfollow activities in inbox properly (#316) 5 years ago
Trinity Pointard 00a205a882 Update debian installation doc
fix #305
Update debian installation doc
Remove need for libpq when compiling with sqlite backend
Remove some unneaded features of multipart to speed up compilation
5 years ago
Aaron W. Swenson 3ecd0e3c34 Correct Gentoo emerge instructions (#311)
Emerge doesn't care what order the packages are given; it'll figure out the correct build order and pull in the proper dependencies. Adding the -u switch will only perform the emerge if the package is not yet installed or needs to be updated. This avoids wasting time performing an emerge on something that has already been emerged.

While harmless, it is unnecessary to explicitly include eselect-postgresql in the list as the dev-db/postgresql ebuilds declare it as a dependency. There is no "sqlite3" or "libsqlite3-dev" ebuilds, so that command would fail.
6 years ago
Baptiste Gelez a64c4912cf
Add support for CW in comments (#308)
All the backend/federation code was already, I just added the UI 🤷‍♀️ 

Fixes #253
6 years ago
Baptiste Gelez b28411da99
Test with PostgreSQL too (#309)
* Test with PostgreSQL too

* Add 'test' to Travis build stages

* Add test coverage for postgresql
6 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 3690e4cfb9 Fix the path of the media directory for Docker setups 6 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 94904fa3d5 Escape titles in RSS feeds 6 years ago
Baptiste Gelez f0b911a328 Fix RSS feed link on blog pages 6 years ago
Alexander d724eba772 i18n: Add Russian translation (#306) 6 years ago
Trinity Pointard dca91945af Try to take advantage of travis cache and build stages 6 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 8d5eaaec6a
Add Codecov badge 6 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 6b2d9d4221
Tests infrastructure for plume-models (#302)
First step for testing `plume-models`. I only added one test for the moment, but we should add more in future PRs.
6 years ago
Marcin Mikołajczak 1bcde7fb86 i18n: Update Polish translation 6 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 57cf55fecc Fix RSS feed icon
Closes #289
6 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 67077267cf Add OpenGraph metadata 6 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 68a30cc80e Fix spacing for the delete article button 6 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 185cb5142a Better style for subtitles 6 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 25b7399e7f Only list images for possible covers 6 years ago
Baptiste Gelez f593ce40af Remove some debug messages 6 years ago
Baptiste Gelez 464832bb31 Avoid template errors when form.cover is not defined 6 years ago