WIP: Add better upgrade docs to reflect 0.6.1-dev and beyond #123

iamdoubz wants to merge 2 commits from iamdoubz/iamdoubz-update-from-src-patch:main into main

@ -10,9 +10,13 @@ Replace `DATABASE` with either postgres or sqlite depending on what you are usin
git pull origin master
git checkout PLUME_VERSION # Skip this step if you want to use master, and not a tagged release
# Build the front-end
# Build the front-end (using tagged release <= 0.6.0)
cargo web deploy -p plume-front
# Build the front-end (using tagged release >= 0.6.1 OR using default branch)
cargo install wasm-pack
wasm-pack build --target web --release plume-front
# Update plm
cargo install --path plume-cli --force --features DATABASE
# Update plume
