Document plm migration #37

elegaanz wants to merge 5 commits from plm-migration into master
elegaanz commented 2019-04-29 20:38:32 +00:00 (Migrated from
No description provided.
trinity-1686a reviewed 2019-04-29 20:47:23 +00:00
@ -20,0 +37,4 @@
New files will be generated in `migrations/postgres` and `migrations/sqlite`, called `up.sql` and `down.sql`.
The former should run the actual migration, and the later undo it.
You can also run some Rust code in migrations, by writing it in comments starting with `#!`, and wrapped in a closure taking

actually it can in theory be the full path to a function too (not tested, but I will soon because the code for timeline migration will probably be to long for me to prefix it with --#! without getting annoyed)

actually it can *in theory* be the full path to a function too (not tested, but I will soon because the code for timeline migration will probably be to long for me to prefix it with --#! without getting annoyed)
elegaanz (Migrated from reviewed 2019-04-29 20:51:42 +00:00
@ -20,0 +37,4 @@
New files will be generated in `migrations/postgres` and `migrations/sqlite`, called `up.sql` and `down.sql`.
The former should run the actual migration, and the later undo it.
You can also run some Rust code in migrations, by writing it in comments starting with `#!`, and wrapped in a closure taking
elegaanz (Migrated from commented 2019-04-29 20:51:42 +00:00

Oh, I didn't noticed that! Nice!

I added something, but I'm not sure about the exact syntax. 😬

Oh, I didn't noticed that! Nice! I added something, but I'm not sure about the exact syntax. :grimacing:
trinity-1686a reviewed 2019-04-29 20:57:29 +00:00
@ -20,0 +37,4 @@
New files will be generated in `migrations/postgres` and `migrations/sqlite`, called `up.sql` and `down.sql`.
The former should run the actual migration, and the later undo it.
You can also run some Rust code in migrations, by writing it in comments starting with `#!`, and wrapped in a closure taking

your syntax is what I expect it to be, but hey, it's untested so maybe it's a bit different? Who knows?

your syntax is what I expect it to be, but hey, it's untested so maybe it's a bit different? Who knows?
trinity-1686a reviewed 2019-04-29 21:07:22 +00:00
@ -20,0 +37,4 @@
New files will be generated in `migrations/postgres` and `migrations/sqlite`, called `up.sql` and `down.sql`.
The former should run the actual migration, and the later undo it.
You can also run some Rust code in migrations, by writing it in comments starting with `#!`, and wrapped in a closure taking

ok I tested it, and it is basically what you wrote --#! crate::migrations::functions::timeline_creation

ok I tested it, and it is basically what you wrote `--#! crate::migrations::functions::timeline_creation`

source/ and source/ were not updated, and line 73 of source/ was forgotten too

`source/` and `source/` were not updated, and line 73 of `source/` was forgotten too
elegaanz commented 2019-04-30 12:02:23 +00:00 (Migrated from

For some reason they didn't appeared in the search result of my editor… 🤷‍♀️ Thank you.

For some reason they didn't appeared in the search result of my editor… :woman_shrugging: Thank you.

Pull request closed

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