#!/bin/bash set -x currently_running=$(docker container ls | grep -Eo 'plume-pr-[0-9]+' | cut -c10- | tr '\n' ',') cat Caddyfile.base *.caddy > Caddyfile [ -z "$currently_running" ] &&\ echo '[]' > static/up.json ||\ echo '['"${currently_running::-1}"']' > static/up.json caddy & caddy_pid=$! inotifywait -m ./ -e create -e moved_to | while read path action file; do if [[ ! $file =~ ^[0-9]*\.tar\.gz$ ]]; then continue fi; id=$(basename -s .tar.gz $file) if [ -d ../plume_deploy/$id ]; then rm -rf ../plume_deploy/$id fi; mkdir ../plume_deploy/$id tar -C ../plume_deploy/$id -xvzf $file env_temp=$(pwd)/.env.template log_dir=$(pwd)/logs pushd ../plume_deploy/$id secret=$(openssl rand -base64 32) domain=pr-$id.joinplu.me found=0 port=8000 while [ $found -ne 1 ]; do if [ $(netstat -tlnu | grep :$port | wc -l) == "0" ]; then found=1 else port=$((port + 1)) fi; done; sed -e "s;%BASE_URL%;$domain;g" -e "s;%SECRET%;$secret;g" $env_temp | tee .env # Kill old instance, if there are more than 5 running if [ $(sudo docker ps | grep plume-pr | wc -l) -ge 5 ]; then to_kill=$(sudo docker ps | grep plume-pr | tail -n 1 | awk 'NF>1{print $NF}') docker stop $to_kill fi; cont=plume-pr-$id docker container stop $cont || true docker run -td --name $cont --rm -p$port:7878 --mount type=bind,src=$(pwd),dst=/app plumeorg/plume-buildenv:v0.0.5 docker exec -w /app $cont ls -al > $log_dir/$id docker exec -t -w /app $cont /app/bin/plm migration run >> $log_dir/$id docker exec -t -w /app $cont /app/bin/plm instance new -n "PR #$id" >> $log_dir/$id docker exec -t -w /app $cont /app/bin/plm users new -a -n admin -p admin123 -N "Admin #$id" -e "admin@$domain" >> $log_dir/$id docker exec -t -w /app $cont /app/bin/plm search init >> $log_dir/$id docker exec -t -e ROCKET_ENV=dev -w /app $cont /app/bin/plume >> $log_dir/$id & popd #get comma separated list of running containers currently_running=$(docker container ls | grep -Eo 'plume-pr-[0-9]+' | cut -c10- | tr '\n' ',' | sort -r) #remove trailing ',' and convert to json echo '['"${currently_running::-1}"']' > static/up.json sed -e "s;%BASE_URL%;$domain;g" -e "s;%PORT%;$port;g" Caddyfile.template > $id.caddy cat Caddyfile.base *.caddy > Caddyfile kill $caddy_pid caddy & caddy_pid=$! done