İşleme Grafiği

43 İşleme (master)

Yazar SHA1 Mesaj Tarih
asonix 3eca920593 Fix docs 5 yıl önce
asonix ee253eca27 Upgrade actix, gettext 5 yıl önce
Llaurence ada273e4a9 Add I18n.lang
Used to get the language for the current request. It can be used for
database requests or to adapt the UI.

Signed-off-by: Llaurence <llaurence.git@laposte.net>
5 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez 72f8e0076e Merge branch 'master' of github.com:BaptisteGelez/rocket_i18n 5 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez 3efc3c3c13 v0.4.0 5 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez a1e7c9299c Use gettext_macros macros 5 yıl önce
Trinity Pointard 9fc10a9aae Modify all link to match new repository location
And fix compilation issues by upgrading compiler
5 yıl önce
Olivier Goffart 88215b6093 Recommand people to use the xtr tool instead of manually generating the .pot 5 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez 90ba4f41b2 Version bump: 0.3.1 5 yıl önce
Trinity Pointard 7a397ffdfe Add documentation for include_i18n! 5 yıl önce
Trinity Pointard 6a6f6e38f2 Add new macro importing translation to the final binary
Add a new macro include_i18n!, taking similar arguments to i18n(),
and expanding to the same type. It allow to include translations in
the final binary, so that once compiled, it can be run from anywhere,
without depending on `.mo`s to be present
5 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez 4148b79c18 Bump version to 0.3.0 5 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez c90fde6e17 Use &str instead of String in build methods 5 yıl önce
asonix f8f9913f6f Require domain in i18n init 5 yıl önce
asonix b0902bf709 Fix build methods I think 5 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez 0f4774cbe0 Make Translations public 6 yıl önce
asonix 5615407ec4 Add actix-web support 6 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez 9b2a5a75a9 Update dependencies 6 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez 040afe6a23 Fix some issues with macros 6 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez ef7bf55767 Force u64 6 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez 8417b8c93a Merge branch 'master' of github.com:BaptisteGelez/rocket_i18n 6 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez a5cbdcbd56 Fix the i18n macro for ngettext syntax 6 yıl önce
Trinity Pointard c76d8381a0 Wait for process to finish successfully
Fix #7
Change gettext to an existing repository
Update to rocket 0.4.0-rc.1
Require newer rust toolchain
6 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez 7fa1b0bd6b Update README.md 6 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez b79aa0776b Better error handling in try_format 6 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez 1cede79b5d Use the native gettext crate (and change almost all the API) 6 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez d5d44c2951
Add Travis Badge 6 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez 1b7c94a0c6
Merge pull request #6 from fdb-hiroshima/feature/add-ci
Add continuous integration
6 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez 4eec3d2fe3
Merge pull request #5 from fdb-hiroshima/feature/multiple-local
Try to explore other locals if first is unknown
6 yıl önce
Trinity Pointard 74bf2141ca Fix tests
Fix doc-tests
    Add dev-dependency to rocket_contrib
    Set some doc-tests to no_run as files are missing for theme to work
Remove format!(gettext()) from docs as it won't compile
Reexport gettextrs to match what the doc's says
6 yıl önce
Trinity Pointard 3ae492644e Add travis.yml 6 yıl önce
Trinity Pointard 40a8278694 Try to explore other locals if first is unknown
Try to find the best local client and server both supports
Assume client's locals are ordered by q-factor weighting
6 yıl önce
Baptiste Gelez 75a3bfd7b8
Merge pull request #3 from lthms/recent_rocket
Use a more recent version of rocket
6 yıl önce
Thomas Letan b9bd6b9674 Use a more recent version of rocket 6 yıl önce
Bat 4ccd0b081d Update to a more recent version of Rocket
To make this crate work correctly with Aardwolf
6 yıl önce
Bat 5b4225d5be Ignore the country code. Fix #1 6 yıl önce
Bat 5b29d96504 Update installation instructions 6 yıl önce
Bat 457b88c59e Use the master branch of Rocket
It makes sense since we recommend using the rocket_contrib::Template::custom function

Also edit a bit the README
6 yıl önce
Bat 4e39f2508b 5 keywords max 6 yıl önce
Bat 05c8415516 Add metadata + document the crate 6 yıl önce
Bat 35ec9d6ab6 Add README.md 6 yıl önce
Bat 4a34e5dd73 Add some documentation 6 yıl önce
Bat abae6926a7 Initial commit 6 yıl önce