You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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//! # Rocket I18N
//! A crate to help you internationalize your Rocket or Actix Web applications.
//! It just selects the correct locale for each request, and return the corresponding `gettext::Catalog`.
//! ## Usage
//! First add it to your `Cargo.toml`:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! rocket_i18n = "0.4"
//! gettext-macros = "0.1" # Provides proc-macros to manage translations
//! ```
//! Then, in your ``, add the translations to you application's data:
//! ```rust,ignore
//! App::new()
//! .data(rocket_i18n::i18n("your-domain", vec!["en", "pl"]))
//! .service(...)
//! ```
//! Then in all your requests you'll be able to use the `i18n` macro to translate anything.
//! It takes a `gettext::Catalog` and a string to translate as argument.
//! ```rust,ignore
//! fn route(i18n: I18n) -> String {
//! i18n!(i18n.catalog, "Hello, world!")
//! }
//! ```
//! For strings that may have a plural form, just add the plural and the number of element to the
//! arguments
//! ```rust,ignore
//! i18n!(i18n.catalog, "One new message", "{0} new messages", 42);
//! ```
//! Any extra argument, after a `;`, will be used for formatting.
//! ```rust,ignore
//! let user_name = "Alex";
//! i18n!(i18n.catalog, "Hello {0}!"; user_name);
//! ```
//! When using it with plural, `{0}` will be the number of elements, and other arguments will start
//! at `{1}`.
//! Because of its design, rocket_i18n is only compatible with askama, ructe or compiled templates
//! in general.
//! You can use the `t` macro in your templates, as long as they have a field called `catalog` to
//! store your catalog.
pub use gettext::*;
use std::fs;
#[cfg(feature = "actix-web")]
mod with_actix;
#[cfg(feature = "rocket")]
mod with_rocket;
const ACCEPT_LANG: &'static str = "Accept-Language";
/// A request guard to get the right translation catalog for the current request.
pub struct I18n {
/// The catalog containing the translated messages, in the correct locale for this request.
pub catalog: Catalog,
/// The language of the current request.
pub lang: &'static str,
pub type Translations = Vec<(&'static str, Catalog)>;
/// Loads translations at runtime. Usually used with `actix_web::web::App::data`.
/// Note that the `.mo` files should be present with your binary. If you want to embed them,
/// use `gettext_macros::include_i18n`.
pub fn i18n(domain: &str, lang: Vec<&'static str>) -> Translations {
lang.iter().fold(Vec::new(), |mut trans, l| {
let mo_file = fs::File::open(format!("translations/{}/LC_MESSAGES/{}.mo", l, domain))
.expect("Couldn't open catalog");
let cat = Catalog::parse(mo_file).expect(format!("Error while loading catalog ({})", l).as_str());
trans.push((l, cat));
/// Works the same way as `gettext_macros::i18n`, but without needing to give a `gettext::Catalog`
/// as first argument.
/// For use in askama templates.
macro_rules! t {
($( $args:tt )+) => {
i18n!(self.catalog, $( $args )+)