Drone CI #798

kiwii desea fusionar 31 commits de drone-ci en main
kiwii comentado hace 4 años


kiwii añadido 4 commits hace 4 años
kiwii añadido 1 commit hace 4 años
continuous-integration/drone/push Build was killed Detalles
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is failing Detalles
Dummy commit to retrigger the build
kiwii comentado hace 4 años

@trinity-1686a I don't know if you set up Drone with Docker, but it looks like /tmp/cache is not available, could you create a directory and mount it in Docker at this path, please? Or do an equivalent operation if you are not using Docker.

@trinity-1686a I don't know if you set up Drone with Docker, but it looks like `/tmp/cache` is not available, could you create a directory and mount it in Docker at this path, please? Or do an equivalent operation if you are not using Docker.

My bad I did not see this pr. Can/should it be shared by multiple job runners (won't there be race conditions)?

My bad I did not see this pr. Can/should it be shared by multiple job runners (won't there be race conditions)?
Algunas comprobaciones han fallado
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is failing
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
Este pull request tiene cambios en conflicto con la rama de destino.
  • .circleci/images/plume-buildenv/Caddyfile
  • script/run_browser_test.sh
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Referencia: Plume/Plume#798
Aún no existe contenido.