WIP - initial RTL support #575 #577

ahangarha sapludināja 9 revīzijas no add-rtl-support uz master pirms 5 gadiem
ahangarha " komentēja pirms 5 gadiem" (Migrēts no github.com)

In regard to #575, few fixes have been done so far. Yet, there are many others to be made, including:

  • BIDI to be applied to form fields (which are rendered dynamically)
  • fix css styles and remove text-align, modify margin/madding left/right
  • BIDI to be applied to every elements inside article for post content
In regard to #575, few fixes have been done so far. Yet, there are many others to be made, including: - [x] BIDI to be applied to form fields (which are rendered dynamically) - [ ] fix css styles and remove text-align, modify margin/madding left/right - [ ] BIDI to be applied to every elements inside article for post content

if you want to tinker that, forms are rendered using what's in src/template_utils.rs on line 241-249 and 335-336

if you want to tinker that, forms are rendered using what's in `src/template_utils.rs` on line 241-249 and 335-336
codecov[bot] " komentēja pirms 5 gadiem" (Migrēts no github.com)

Codecov Report

Merging #577 into master will decrease coverage by 0.76%.
The diff coverage is 50%.

@@            Coverage Diff             @@
##           master     #577      +/-   ##
- Coverage   35.28%   34.51%   -0.77%     
  Files          68       67       -1     
  Lines        7899     7872      -27     
  Branches     1891     1890       -1     
- Hits         2787     2717      -70     
- Misses       4334     4394      +60     
+ Partials      778      761      -17
# [Codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/Plume-org/Plume/pull/577?src=pr&el=h1) Report > Merging [#577](https://codecov.io/gh/Plume-org/Plume/pull/577?src=pr&el=desc) into [master](https://codecov.io/gh/Plume-org/Plume/commit/c031804464a22c550ff621483811a202ecbb238c?src=pr&el=desc) will **decrease** coverage by `0.76%`. > The diff coverage is `50%`. ```diff @@ Coverage Diff @@ ## master #577 +/- ## ========================================== - Coverage 35.28% 34.51% -0.77% ========================================== Files 68 67 -1 Lines 7899 7872 -27 Branches 1891 1890 -1 ========================================== - Hits 2787 2717 -70 - Misses 4334 4394 +60 + Partials 778 761 -17 ```
ahangarha " komentēja pirms 5 gadiem" (Migrēts no github.com)

if you want to tinker that, forms are rendered using what's in src/template_utils.rs on line 241-249 and 335-336

this was really helpful. I made changes and pushed it up. CI ended in failure. was it because of my changes?

> if you want to tinker that, forms are rendered using what's in `src/template_utils.rs` on line 241-249 and 335-336 this was really helpful. I made changes and pushed it up. CI ended in failure. was it because of my changes?
elegaanz " komentēja pirms 5 gadiem" (Migrēts no github.com)

No it was not your fault, CI fails for no good reasons sometimes. I restarted the failed job, let's hope it will work this time.

No it was not your fault, CI fails for no good reasons sometimes. I restarted the failed job, let's hope it will work this time.
  • BIDI to be applied to form fields (which are rendered dynamically)
  • fix css styles and remove text-align, modify margin/madding left/right
  • BIDI to be applied to every elements inside article for post content

I've merged master back to this branch, would you like to work on fixing css before we merge this, or can we merge it, and this would be for a further pr?

> * [x] BIDI to be applied to form fields (which are rendered dynamically) > * [ ] fix css styles and remove text-align, modify margin/madding left/right > * [ ] BIDI to be applied to every elements inside article for post content I've merged master back to this branch, would you like to work on fixing css before we merge this, or can we merge it, and this would be for a further pr?
ahangarha " komentēja pirms 5 gadiem" (Migrēts no github.com)

It you don't mind, merge it. I will send another PR for the following improvements.

It you don't mind, merge it. I will send another PR for the following improvements.
trinity-1686a apstiprināja izmaiņas pirms 5 gadiem
trinity-1686a atstāja komentāru




trinity-1686a apstiprināja izmaiņas pirms 5 gadiem
Izmaiņu pieprasījums tika sapludināts ar revīziju 54c6d21fc5.
Varat aplūkot arī komandrindas instrukcijas.

Solis 1:

Projekta repozitorijā izveidojiet jaunu jaunu atzaru un pārbaudiet savas izmaiņas.
git checkout -b add-rtl-support master
git pull origin add-rtl-support

Solis 2:

Sapludināt izmaiņas un atjaunot tās Forgejo.
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff add-rtl-support
git push origin master
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Atsaucas uz: Plume/Plume#577
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