Fix RSS issues #720

papey sapludināja 2 revīzijas no fix/#673-date-id-rss uz master pirms 4 gadiem
papey " komentēja pirms 4 gadiem" (Migrēts no

Here is a PR relative to issue #673.

At this state, the PR adds id and published field for each blog entry inside the RSS feed.

I'm not sure but it's look like there is no method or field attached to post struct to get information about update metadata.

I can add this but I want to be sure that it's in the scope of this PR.

Thanks for you're reply.

Here is a PR relative to issue #673. At this state, the PR adds `id` and `published` field for each blog entry inside the RSS feed. I'm not sure but it's look like there is no method or field attached to `post` struct to get information about update metadata. I can add this but I want to be sure that it's in the scope of this PR. Thanks for you're reply.
codecov[bot] " komentēja pirms 4 gadiem" (Migrēts no

Codecov Report

Merging #720 into master will decrease coverage by <.01%.
The diff coverage is 0%.

@@            Coverage Diff             @@
##           master     #720      +/-   ##
- Coverage    39.3%   39.29%   -0.01%     
  Files          72       72              
  Lines        9534     9536       +2     
  Branches     2275     2275              
  Hits         3747     3747              
- Misses       4714     4716       +2     
  Partials     1073     1073
# [Codecov]( Report > Merging [#720]( into [master]( will **decrease** coverage by `<.01%`. > The diff coverage is `0%`. ```diff @@ Coverage Diff @@ ## master #720 +/- ## ========================================== - Coverage 39.3% 39.29% -0.01% ========================================== Files 72 72 Lines 9534 9536 +2 Branches 2275 2275 ========================================== Hits 3747 3747 - Misses 4714 4716 +2 Partials 1073 1073 ```
epsilon-phase " komentēja pirms 4 gadiem" (Migrēts no

Our personal feeling is that you are correct in that adding an updated field is outside of the scope of the pull request.

We'll review this after dinner, thanks for contributing :)

Our personal feeling is that you are correct in that adding an updated field is outside of the scope of the pull request. We'll review this after dinner, thanks for contributing :)
epsilon-phase (Migrēts no apstiprināja izmaiņas pirms 4 gadiem
papey " komentēja pirms 4 gadiem" (Migrēts no

Here is the issue related to update field for blog entries

Here is the issue related to update field for blog entries


Izmaiņu pieprasījums tika sapludināts ar revīziju 23049b638c.
Varat aplūkot arī komandrindas instrukcijas.

Solis 1:

Projekta repozitorijā izveidojiet jaunu jaunu atzaru un pārbaudiet savas izmaiņas.
git checkout -b fix/#673-date-id-rss master
git pull origin fix/#673-date-id-rss

Solis 2:

Sapludināt izmaiņas un atjaunot tās Forgejo.
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff fix/#673-date-id-rss
git push origin master
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